Luke seems like such a big boy in his high chair! He likes feeding himself now. He likes to mash up bananas and get all messy. I added Cheerios to his menu this week and he is an "old pro" now. He likes to knock them off of his tray! Sanibel has a new favorite spot under his high chair waiting for flying scraps.
We have been trying to take advantage of our area pools. Luke seems to like the water! I got him a crab floatie.

Here is a photo of Phil and Luke at the Bloomington Farmers Market. Notice the line behind Phil. It goes on forever and it is a line for corn!!!!!!!!! It must be something special because there were other booths with corn and no lines at all.

Luke and his "lunch buddy"

I flippantly asked Phil to make homemade cinnamon rolls and HE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went to dinner with our friends the Gaynor's at a Japanese steak house and Luke fell asleep in his high chair leaning against the table!!!! So cute!
Is a 'crab floatie' anything like a 'strawberry smoothie'?
HI, I was missing your blog....and when I got home tonight from the lake..surprise! It is so fun to see Luke liking the water...and feeding himself and today Lucas is 9 MONTHS OLD!! He looks so much older! WE are getting anxious to come down to see you all soon. We send our Love......M & D
Luke is too stinkin' cute! I love all the recent pictures, especially the one with his hat cocked upside down and the sunglasses! Hope you're having a great week!
Peggy Randolph
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