I found these old pictures of people from the small group we were part of our first 2 years in Bloomington. We did things through the church - like serving free hot dogs at an IU football game, yard work at a local school, and adopt-a-family for Christmas. Some of us also took part in the drive-through nativity scenes at the church around Christmas one year. Here are a few pictures of us doing those things!
Cooking hot dogs at the IU-Michigan football game

We cooked (and ate) a lot of hot dogs!

A last supper disciple and an ascension woman.

Scott, Sophie, Ramona, Pete, Allison, and Philip at the live Nativity

Ramona & Pete

Pete, Peter, Allison, & Sophie wrapping presents for our adopted family

Peter & Allison

Ramona holding Luke & Scott petting Cochise
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