I found Luke perched up on the couch going through my Bible one morning. His new accomplishment is climbing onto the couch and basking in the comfort. I often find him rolling around on the couch or totally lounged out with his sippy cup! So funny to find him there! On this occasion he first found my phone sitting there so he handed it to me (while chattering to me), then he found the remote control and he handed that to me too! Next he discovered my Bible and he opened it up and started turning the tissue thin pages. My first instinct was to stop him and take it away.

The pages are folded, sometimes crunched from experiences, written on in pen, pencil and marker, and underlined, stars in the margins etc. I even have penciled in question marks in the margins of things that I have devoted to further study.

I was so filled with joy seeing my little "bundle of joy" flip through the pages with all of the curiousity of his one year old mind! It brought me to tears as I thought of the significance of my own flesh and blood and his own spiritual journey. I thought of how my past is going to form his future. I was utterly covered with chills. A seemingly normal day quickly turned into a memory that I will cherish forever.

This post brought tears to MY eyes too. Beautiful!
Aww thanks Emily!
This brought tears to my eyes both times I read it! Very touching indeed. MOM
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