As you well know, Phil passed the Indiana bar!
Upon passing the bar exam one must be sworn in during an Indiana Supreme Court proceeding.
So cool!
Luke was looking for his daddy! When we saw him he gave him the one finger wave...
Upon passing the bar exam one must be sworn in during an Indiana Supreme Court proceeding.
So cool!
Luke was looking for his daddy! When we saw him he gave him the one finger wave... know? The one that he gave the turkeys!
There he is! The girl in front of him is the one that he sat next to during the test. She had quite the fan club. Signs and everything! The sign read "Future Senator"
"I, (state your name), do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation, or purpose of evasion and that I will demean myself as attorney, proctor and solicitor of the United States District Court for the (Southern or Northern-both in Phil's case) District of Indiana uprightly and according to law so help me God."
Powerful words.
The boys stayed nice and quiet throughout the whole ceremony. Nothing like watching a little "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" on Drew's iphone!
We think that there were about 440 people there out of 600+ bar takers. If you do the math that is a low pass rate.
"...being a lawyer is in fact a place that by doing well one can do a lot of good" and "integrity is the rock on which your career is placed"
Another ceremony down, which begs the question:
What next?
I was teasing Phil about going to another ceremony all about him which is silly because I have had my fair share of the spotlight along the way.
But really we wonder, what could POSSIBLY be next?
What could top these past few months/years?
Towards the end upon realization that the banana pieces that Micah was eating were actually in his lap, behind his ears, and on the floor my brother declared "I think that this family would be more comfortable at home!"
Good insight Drew! We have a weakness in our hearts for home. So off we go.
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