May 8th Phil graduated from the Maurer School of Law!
An attorney is born.

The day kicked off with a luncheon honoring the grads and families.

We were thrilled to have family there to celebrate with us.

The stage is set and somebody forgot to shave for a few years.

So very "ivy league"

Rob and Tiffany

A napkin makes for a graduation hat

Dad and Luke

The official program

My dad held baby Micah the whole time

Uncle Robbie read to Luke

Hobbit baby

The ceremony

Luke tried to be quiet

Stephanie with her baby Chondra

mommy and Micah

This time we remembered shoes and socks but they fell off en route.

So official

Micah kind of reminds me of my brother Drew as a baby

Phil and Micah

Luke saying "go iu" and pointing at Aunt Lisa. She, of course, is a Purdue grad and fan.

Phil graduated with honors

We were so happy to have family with us.

Phil with his proud parents

My parents were proud too.

A fancy doctoral hood.

Micah liked daddy's tassel

My mom snapped this of Luke and his 2 uncles

We had to walk a long way

Luke and Uncle Drew

A pit stop

A 2 year old

If there is cake, Luke licks the platter clean

Aunt Tiffany makes Micah smile

Sweet cousin babies

Aunt Lisa

Edna and baby Micah

The Graduate

Phil's Grandpa John Workman and his wife Edna

Diploma frames were given out

My mom gave Phil and superman lunch box

I celebrated the next day by cleaning our Bloomington apartment. And the adventure begins...
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