Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mighty Minis

Poor Micah has been under the weather. He had his first fever and ear infection last week and upon completion of his medicine, a cough and drippy nose have followed. And furthermore his unhappiness is accompanied by cutting 4 molars all at once! He is just not happy.

Phil suggested some Popsicle therapy.

I personally do not like Popsicles. I would much rather have a scoop of rich creamy ice cream but KIDS seem to flock to them. Moms don't like them because of their sloppiness. Kids like them at first but they quickly melt liquid all down the hands, lips, and face and then they lose interest and THEN they are all kinds of sticky. So I was not too eager to bring some home until I found these:

Just look at how tiny they are? They are totally cute and the perfect portion for a toddler. Plus, they leave plenty of stick to hold onto.

I snapped a bib on each boy but not a mess was made!

Some relief for all those pesky teeth!

Now you might be wondering about how nutritious these little wonders are? Not so much. The 4th ingredient is, of course, high fructose corn syrup. Bummer. It even says right on the box "natural with fruit juice." So sneaky! So now I am thinking of ways to make a similar Popsicle in size with maybe pureed fruit etc. I even wondered why there are not "chicken soup Popsicles." Wouldn't that be the perfect thing for a sick child? So I looked online and found this. It turns out that people do make them for treats for their DOG! This really made me laugh! Now I am going to have to make one for myself the next time that I make broth! I will let you know how it turns out.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Poor Baby Micah! Hopefully he is feeling better day by day AND hopefully Lucas doesn't end up with it.

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