Friday, April 2, 2010

Engagement Anniversary

Seven years ago today Phil proposed to me and I said YES! I will never forget the date because it all occurred on April 2nd (the day AFTER April Fools Day!) I remember that when Phil called his mom to tell her that he was engaged she said "Is this an April Fools joke?!" I might have thought that too except before he proposed he said

"Do you know that I love you?"

At that point I was overjoyed you see because it was the FIRST time ever that he told me that he loved me! And I knew what was coming next because we had decided about 7 months into our relationship that we would not tell each other the big "I love you" until we were engaged to be married IF that was where our relationship was headed. I did not want to hear that phrase from a man unless he was the man that I was going to marry! I am all about guarding your heart.

The very coolest part (beside the fact that we dated 2 1/2 years before saying "I love you") is that Phil had NEVER dated any other girl before me! That's right. He had never even asked a girl out on a date. I had no clue about that at the time. He was so smooth using such lines as "So Fishbaugh, (my maiden name) is that German?" and "Would you like to go eat lobster with me?" Not the typical pick up lines but hey they must have worked! We had so much fun together and we laughed and laughed some more. We still do! Phil makes me laugh more than anyone else in the world. He says that I pretty much laugh at anything, which is partially true, but Phil really has the most perfect sense of humor! Anyways...

I guess what I am getting at is that I consider myself a lucky girl! Although, I sometimes wonder if luck is really the right word? I had spent many hours praying for the "right" guy to come along and sweep me to the altar! Every girl dreams of that perfect guy that is "saving" themselves for you. I was no different. On top of that I had high standards and I was not willing to compromise. If that meant waiting forever then I would period. I remember sitting with my gal pals from high school and making them promise me that they would never settle. Because of both of our commitments to not compromise our beliefs we have gotten to share so many "firsts" together. There are more to talk about but I will save that for another post at a later date. I don't want to cross that TMI (too much information) line.

But I DO want to inspire you that there are some pretty amazing guys (and gals) out there that still believe in chivalry and respect. Waiting is a lost discipline. So many things and experiences in life are worth waiting for; like saving your money to buy your first "real" bicycle or maybe it was car! My mom was just sharing with us about how she saved up her money for her first camera! Doesn't it just feel so much sweeter when you have sacrificed and then gotten the long awaited reward? So now I will ask YOU to share your "waiting" experience!


Strobels said...

I know all about waiting I had to wait for my forever family for 14 years. They were worth every minute of waiting. I am so blessed that God had a plan for me.

Alli and Phil said...

Yay Heidi! We were waiting for you too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your encouraging post, Allison. I am still waiting and praying that God brings me the right man to sweep me off my feet.

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