Drum roll please...
Phil starts his job today! He seems pretty excited about it. I am too. I mean, we have preparing for this for the last 4 years; maybe even our whole lives?
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens"
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Life is full of different seasons. Now is time for the season of work and raising children. Not that we hadn't been doing that already? And now is the time for a REAL paycheck. Yep, I have already mentally spent the first one! Okay, just joking! Or not? Ha!
So a adventure begins and we have no idea what to expect? Well, okay we do know what to expect. Phil already knows what he is going to be doing today. He had to be there at 8:30 AM and check in with an attorney with whom he will be working. They already have 5-6 projects waiting for him! So he will be checking in with the office manager and getting all of his officialness set up and then two of the attorneys on his floor are taking him out to lunch. Sounds nice right? Hmmm...maybe my two coworkers will take me out to lunch? Then he has a meeting with clients at 4:00 that will last around an hour.
It all sounds harmless enough?
All so very official.
So why do I feel not ready?
Oh, maybe because Lucas climbed in bed with us 5 times last night? In addition, Micah was up once for a feeding so I felt like every hour I was being awakened and then putting little boys back to bed. Any ideas would be appreciated.
A new season of life for me too...
1 comment:
I think the boys were just reacting to a change in their routine with Daddy going to work. Once Phil gets settled into his new job I think the boys will also settle into their new daily and nightly rituals and things will be fine.
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