After she arrived, Phil went to his doctor's appointment. The doctor didn't even do a strep test he just prescribed medicine for him and I! I wasn't even there! He started taking it right away.
We decided to head over to Notre Dame to look around and then we walked to the outside of the Louvre. We did a lot of walking and looking around. Poor Alicia! I think that we wore her out!!!
We did walk down to the Seine River and saw the Plages. The city brings in sand, lounge chairs, hammocks etc. for a whole month. It is a really neat idea. Also, it is very popular and packed with people. It is p
We also walked through a carnival area outside the Louvre. There is a huge Ferris Wheel that you can see from miles away. I sort of think that the carnival is there all summer!
We did a lot of walking around we are all very tired. Alicia was so sweet and brought Luke more baby food from the USA (Gerber) and books! Luke is happy for new books to read and chew on! We are all glad too! It will be nice to expand beyond the world of Curious George and Dr. Suess! Is there even a world of literature beyond that? Just kidding. Everyone else is already in bed so I will wrap this post up. Good night to you all!
Luke and I waiting in line for the Ferris Wheel! (Not really)
The Plages.
Notre Dame
We're sure glad to hear that you got some antibiotics, Phil, and that Alicia arrived safely. I imagine she was one tired girl by the time she FINALLY arrived! I'm also excited that Lucas got some new books although kids do love to hear the same things over and over and over again, but it can sure drive their parents batty sometimes! Both of you are doing a great job instilling the love of reading/learning in to Lucas at this early, yet very impressionable, age. I read to my kids tons and they never seemed to get bored with it, and I do attribute a great deal of their later success in school to all those many stories, fairy tales, poems, and even encyclopedias that we read over and over again! So keep up the great work! Love and Au Revoir from Aunt Lisa
The worm says great pics of the little 'Cubby' guy...keep 'em comin!
The guppy says the rent is paid...and everything is in order.
Off to the lake!
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